L.E. Cooke Company

Thursday, 06 March 2014 15:37

Moniqui Apricot History

Moniqui Apricot



Mr. Andy Mariani , Mariani Orchards in Morgan Hill, California, supplied budwood for this variety during the summer of 1990.

Moniqui is from Spain.  It grows in areas with chill from 600 to 1000 hours.  A very unique fruit with sweet white juicy flesh with a coral pink blush to the skin with golden highlights on both ends.

The tree is a very vigorous grower, large leaves, resistant to bacterial canker.  The fruit is large with tender white flesh and thick firm skin which makes it suitable for fresh market.  Flesh has a sweet, melon like flavor and melting texture.

The variety does not seem to be as susceptible to normal apricot disorders with very little evidence of brown rot, sunburn, or pit burn.

Large size, white flesh, sweet dessert quality makes the fruit a good home variety.

Robert Ludekens 12-26-2013

Moniqui Apricot Information Page - Point of Sale Page

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